Rolled out a little before 3. I had forgotten how much “little work” would be necessary to create a new publisher website. This morning I created folders for covers. I filled one with covers that are 150 x 225 pixels, another for 180 x 270 pixels, and another for 300 x 450 pixels.
That and sorting them took three hours, but it’s necessary when you have to upload covers for 9 novels, 20 short story collections, 15 nonfiction books, 5 poetry collections, and 110 short stories. Of course, it’s a good problem to have and I’m not complaining. (grin)
Anyway, now when it comes time, I can upload all the covers of each size to the new website at once. And that will save me a huge chunk of time.
If I hadn’t done this, I’d have to open the individual folder for the novel, collection or story, upload the cover in each of three sizes, then go to the next individual folder. To repeat that 159 times would take considerably more than three hours. (grin)
After I get the new publisher website up and running, I’ll put together a few more collections. With twenty plus uncollected stories, that should be six collections (four each with 5 stories and two with 10 stories). Then I’ll start thinking about box sets. It’s all about opening several revenue streams for each story.
The writing today will be a big push to advance this novel and to close out the month. With my dismal showing the last couple days, I won’t make 70,000 words of fiction for the month but I should easily clear 65,000. I’ll take it. (grin)
Good post over at Dean’s blog today on a new scam traditional publishers are pulling on their authors.
No walk today. I’ll continue working on the website until around 8 or 8:30, and then start writing for the day.
After I wrote much of this blog post, I had some time left before my writing time begins. For awhile now I’ve been wanting to design a spreadsheet that will enable me to see daily and monthly details as well as annual trends in my writing. So I started messing around with that.
I tried three different structures before I hit on one that does what I want in a compact space. (BTW Dawn, I did this without looking at yours. I want to compare them after the fact to see how similar they are. (grin)
Anyway, it worked. And you know what that means, right?
Because it worked, this blog is going away. Only four of you were not subscribed to my Pro Writers blog, so I transferred you over. You won’t have to do anything. And then probably I’ll start posting to that blog once a week or so instead of every ten days. I might also report, briefly, on my own progress on projects at the end of those posts just in case anyone is interested.
So there y’go. After posting here almost every day since October 19, 2014, and after 210,525 words of what we’re all agreeing is nonfiction (grin), I’m shuttin’ ‘er down.
Thanks for hangin’ in with me all this time. See you on the flip side.
Today’s Writing
Good enough day of writing today. It is what it is, and tomorrow is a new month.
Fiction Words: 3538
Writing of “The Coming of Simon Stark” (SF novel)
Day 1…… 3800 words. Total words to date….. 3800 words
Day 2…… 1516 words. Total words to date….. 5316 words
Day 3…… 2942 words. Total words to date….. 8258 words
Day 4…… 4261 words. Total words to date….. 12519 words
Day 5…… 3039 words. Total words to date….. 15558 words
Day 6…… 2600 words. Total words to date….. 18158 words
Day 7…… 4634 words. Total words to date….. 22792 words
Day 8…… 3149 words. Total words to date….. 25941 words
Day 9…… 3641 words. Total words to date….. 29582 words
Day 10… 1900 words. Total words to date….. 31482 words
Day 11… 1476 words. Total words to date….. 32958 words
Day 12… 3538 words. Total words to date….. 36496 words
Total fiction words for the month………… 65135
Total fiction words for the year…………… 530176