Upcoming Writing Intensive

Hey Folks,

If you’re in southern Arizona and you’re serious about being a writer, here’s a chance to start your new year off right.

I’m offering a one-day intensive on How to Write the Character-Driven Story. This information will be valid for any length of fiction from a short story to a novel.

Subtopics will include

  • Getting the Idea
  • Selecting a Main (POV) Character
  • Selecting a Genre
  • The Seven-Point Plot Outline
  • The Five-Senses Exercise
  • Writing Setting
  • Writing Scene
  • Plotting
  • Beginning, Middle and End
  • and more….

This is a WRITING intensive. I recommend you bring your laptops. If you prefer, bring a (paper) tablet and pen. When you pre-register, I’ll send you a pre-seminar assignment. It won’t be difficult, but it will save us some time during the seminar.

The seminar will take place in Benson on Saturday, January 24, from 9 a.m. until 4 or 5 p.m. The cost is $80, payable in advance via PayPal or on the day of the event. Cash is preferred, but a check will do. When you sign up, I’ll send directions to the venue.

It’s a small venue. There are maybe 14 seats. If you want to attend, you must pre-register to reserve your spot by emailing me at harveystanbrough@gmail.com.

If the intensive sells out, I’ll teach it again. If it doesn’t, I won’t.

Hope to see you then,
