Hi Folks,
This will be of interest if you enjoy my fiction, or if you haven’t read any of it yet and would like to try it.
Beginning on Sunday, May 1, I will have novels in two separate bundles.
If you aren’t familiar with bundles, it works like this: You pretty much pay what you want. 🙂 It’s a great deal, and it’s a good way to discover new favorite authors.
The Science Fiction May Day Bundle features work by yours truly as well as works by nine other authors. This bundle ends on May 13.
For that bundle, if you pay at least $5, you get the first five books in the bundle, including my SF novel, The Advent of Simon Stark. If you pay at least $9, you get all ten books in the bundle.
The Chills, Thrills and Spills Bundle includes one novel by me as well as one by USA Today best-selling author Dean Wesley Smith and ten other authors. This bundle ends on May 20.
For that bundle, if you pay at least $5, you get the first six books in the bundle, including my Confessions of a Professional Psychopath. If you pay at least $12, you get all twelve books in the bundle.
That’s it for this time. Thanks for listening, and happy reading and writing!