Hey Folks,
Yay! The last day of Janumary! Beginning tomorrow, the Total Fiction Words for the Year will actually be larger than the Total Fiction Words for the Month! Fingers crossed. (grin)
It’s like sending up a rocket and watching as the booster falls away. Now I’m hoping for huge ignition on Stage 2. (grin) I have the daily word count goal in place to help me achieve it, and I have a great cast of characters in the current WIP. This is what we used to call All Aroun’ Cool Beans.
Thanks for the emails re my post from a couple days ago. Not a big deal really. I was just letting everyone know why I won’t be making reference to Kris Rusch’s stuff anymore. Probably I should have just stopped referencing her without mentioning it.
I spent a rough night under the weather last night. I’m a tad irritable this morning, so I will avoid human contact whenever possible.
Within minutes of rising, actually, I considered making this a nonwriting day, but I’m just not gonna do that. Irritability feeds stubbornness, don’tcha know.
So I’ll hunt and peck my way through the novel today as I can, and when the dust clears we’ll have what we have. And tomorrow, Thank God, begins a new month full of possibilities.
Today, and Writing
Rolled out a few minutes after 3. Very slow, sluggish start this morning but that’s all right.
Came here, wrote about a b’jillion nonfiction words, decided to delete them. Suffice it to say it was all about appearances. But I don’t do anything myself for the sake of appearances, so I see no reason to give even adverse publicity to those who do.
Enjoyed a cigar, read some newsletters and Facebook stuff, checked Dean’s site.
Finally, around 8:15, opening the WIP to play with my friends.
Wrote off and on with two good hour-long sessions and several bits here and there. I’ll take it.
Back tomorrow.
Of Interest
There are some really good comments on Dean’s post from yesterday at http://www.deanwesleysmith.com/the-fear-of-a-real-paycheck/#comments.
And he just keeps on comin’ with another excellent, must-read post: See Official Approval Fear at http://www.deanwesleysmith.com/official-approval-fear/.
Is this guy a great resource, or what?
Fiction Words: 3373
Nonfiction Words: 370 (Journal)
So total words for the day: 3743
Writing of Will Perkins (novel, working title)
Day 1…… 4219 words. Total words to date…… 4219
Day 2…… 4003 words. Total words to date…… 8222
Day 3…… 3383 words. Total words to date…… 11605
Day 4…… 3124 words. Total words to date…… 14729
Day 5…… 3373 words. Total words to date…… 18102
Total fiction words for the month……… 92610
Total fiction words for the year………… 92610
Total nonfiction words for the month… 19690
Total nonfiction words for the year…… 19690
Total words for the year (fiction and nonfiction)…… 112300