Hi Folks,
If you live in southeast Arizona and you are an aspiring writer who
- can’t seem to find time to write
- has never heard of Heinlein’s Rules
- HAS heard of Heinlein’s Rules but have amended them because you think they’re too good to be true
- believe you have to “polish” your work before publication
- believe you have to rewrite X number of times before publication
- believe you have to write X number of drafts before publication
you REALLY need to take my one-day intensive on Writing Into the Dark. It covers all of that and a great deal more.
Believe me, I’m fully aware you can come up with any number of excuses why you can’t come, but if you can, this one day will probably be the best investment you’ve ever made in your writing.
Here’s what it would cost you
- a trip to Benson next Saturday, October 25
- a class from 9 – 4 with an hour for lunch
- immersion in a small group of avid writers who care about the craft, and
- eighty bucks (okay, dollars… eighty dollars… don’t be showing up with venison)
and I’m telling you, it’s worth at least three times that. Why am I selling my knowledge so cheaply? Because I want as many people to get it as possible, and frankly, after this one, I’m done.
If you live in southeast Arizona, and if you’d like to attend, email me at harveystanbrough@gmail.com and let me know. I’ll send you directions and everything else you need.
This probably is the last live seminar I will ever teach. From here on out, I’m writing at least 3 hours per day, at least 5 days per week. I can do that because I know this technique. I write about 1,000 words per hour. In a day, that’s 3000 words. In a week, it’s 15,000 words. In a year that’s 780,000 words (65,000 words per month). That’s working a “job” five days a week only three hours per day.
But calm my numbers down. Say you can write only 1000 words per day, 5 days per week. That’s still 5,000 words in a week, and in a year that’s still 260,000 words. At 60,000 words a pop, that’s four and one-third novels. Just writing 1,000 words per day, 5 days per week.
Now, do you want to be a writer or do you just want to talk about being a writer?
I still have five seats available in this intensive. Let me know.
I took this course the past weekend and I highly recommend signing up. I promise, you
will not be disappointed – you will be inspired. I have revised my entire approach to writing fiction from this one seminar.
Again, highly recommended.
Dan Baldwin
Thanks, Dan. 🙂