Hey Folks,
Today I wanted to share the only novel that’s still listed under one of my pen names. Enjoy!
Charles Claymore Task has been labeled a psychopath by hypocrites who see themselves as “normal.” And a group of wealthy investors want to know what makes him tick.
They ask him to to detail for a film crew what makes people like him tick. At least that’s the initial plan.
On film, Charlie describes the abandonment, disillusionment, and betrayals that created him and made him what he is: a professional freelance hitman.
He uses the opportunity to offer an autobiography of his first 32 years. From a few months after his birth through his early childhood, he describes the abandonment, disillusionment, lies and betrayals that created him.
Subjected to unimaginable cruelties by his father, Charlie learns paradoxically not to subject others to the same cruelties.
Also paradoxically, that subjugation instills within him a deep, abiding sense of right and wrong and a hatred for anyone who would harm others, especially children.
But it also molds his personality into one that is ideally suited for a public service—something he calls Blight Removal—and a profession as a freelance hit artist. Charlie candidly provides examples of Blight Removal. Some of them very personal.
If you enjoy a fast-paced, heart-racing reading experience combined with an exploration of a skewed human mind, this is the book for you.
From the opening:
Of the three wingback chairs in my library, only one is upholstered in human skin. There’s a reason for that.
I don’t mean there’s a reason it’s upholstered that way—obviously, it’s upholstered that way because it’s unique—but there’s a reason only one is upholstered that way. The damn stuff is expensive, especially for the donor.
To get a FREE review copy, email me at harveystanbrough@gmail.com. I’ll send you the code and the link to the book page at Smashwords.
Next week, a post on bad writing instructors (with examples).
‘Til then, happy writing!