It’s Novel Promotion Time

Hi Folks,

Okay, for the first time ever, I’m doing a promotion with my novel series.

For the next three weeks, from right now through December 5, the first title of the Wes Crowley saga—The Rise of a Warrior—is priced at FREE at Smashwords.

Also for the next three weeks, the second title in that series—Comanche Fire—is priced at 99 cents, also at Smashwords.

Notice, you don’t need a coupon to purchase these books at these prices. Simply click the link above and go get your book.

Why Smashwords?

Because at Smashwords you can purchase any book in any ebook format: .mobi for Kindle; .epub for Nook or iPhone; and .PDF for reading on your computer.

Likewise, the prices of those two books will be lowered at Apple, B&N, Kobo and elsewhere but that might take a couple of days. (Amazon doesn’t allow pricing at Free, but I will lower the price of both books there to 99 cents. Again, you can buy the .mobi format for Kindle free at Smashwords.)

The Wes Crowley Saga is a western, but it’s also a great deal more. Most notably, it contains heavy threads of action/adventure, romance, and psychological suspense. I strongly recommend you pick up your copies of The Rise of a Warrior and Comanche Fire today.

‘Til next time, happy writing and reading.
