Note: The post below is an old one. To see what I offer for mentorships now, please click the Mentorships tab on the website.
Thanks, Harvey
Hi Folks,
Three times in my life, I was fortunate enough to find and take advantage of a mentor. Doing so turbocharged my rise through the learning curve of both the writing craft and the business end of writing. You can see the result by clicking the various menu items at almost 200 short stories and the attendant collections, and over 50 novels and novellas.
As a way of paying it forward, I share some of what I’ve learned in my Daily Journal. But that venue is hit or miss. I haven’t been able to focus down on the difficulties encountered by specific writers as they work their way through insecurity, the writing craft, and submitting or publishing their work.
Until now.
I’m excited to announce that I recently decided to take on mentoring students of my own. I’m excited because I’ll be able to work one-on-one with each student and tailor my instruction to suit your work.
If you’re interested in improving your craft, email me at with any questions. You will find the basic information about what I offer in each mentoring level below:
Level A —This is completely focused on You and your writing. The mentoring consists of literally whatever You need to jump-start your writing overall.
This includes abstracts (overcoming fears, scheduling problems, etc.), personalized instruction on specific writing techniques and manuscript review, assignments (if you want them) and review, plus IP inventory and personalized licensing instruction. Literally Whatever You need.
In the licensing part of this, both the instruction and brainstorming are tailored to your specific IP (intellectual property). We’ll define what IP actually is with regard to licensing, what to include in your inventory, and possible ways to market it.
I have one student enrolled in this program at the moment. I could take on one more, and possibly two. Email me at if you’re interested. The fee is $150 per month, paid in advance on a month by month basis.
Level B1 — This one includes no abstracts, so you need to have cleared out most of the myths about writing already, though we’ll deal quickly with any dregs that pop up (and they will).
This is focused on one or more specific aspects of your process, especially as they go to structure and actual writing. This includes personalized instruction on specific writing techniques and manuscript review, plus IP inventory and personalized licensing instruction.
In the licensing part of this, both the instruction and brainstorming are tailored to your specific IP (intellectual property). We’ll define what IP actually is with regard to licensing, what to include in your inventory, and possible ways to market it.
I could probably take on up to three students at this level. The fee is only $90 per month, paid in advance on a month by month basis. I expect this one and the next two to fill fairly quickly, so email me at if you’re interested.
Level B2 — Like B1, this is focused on specific aspects of your process, especially as they go to structure and actual writing.
The focus here is on you creating new IP. To that end, I’ll review your WIP if you have one. I can also give you specific assignments. No abstracts, no licensing instruction. This includes only personalized instruction on specific writing techniques and manuscript review.
I could probably take on up to five students at this level. The fee is only $50 per month, paid in advance on a month by month basis. Again, I expect this one to fill fairly quickly, so email me if you’re interested.
Level C — This is licensing-only, tailored specifically to your IP. Each story you create contains several possible IPs. And yes, you can license them separately of the actual story itself. If you have a pretty good handle on your writing process, etc. this is a lower-cost alternative and the one you want.
This includes only personalized help with your IP inventory and personalized licensing and marketing instruction. Because the instruction and brainstorming are tailored to your specific IP, this will be much more in-depth than anything I can post in the Journal or elsewhere.
I think I can take on up to five students for this one, but it has to be first-come, first-served. Again, the fee is also only $50 per month, paid in advance on a month by month basis. Again, email me if you’re interested.
Of course, I have my own company to work on and my own writing to do. (grin) So I reserve the right to lower the number of available student slots per level if necessary.
I expect these to fill fairly quickly, so again, if you’re at all interested, email me at with any questions.
I look forward to working with you.
PS: This blog and this website are in transition. Eventually this website will be primarily for readers and fans of my work. If you’re a writer and you want to learn the craft of writing, I encourage you to visit my Daily Journal and consider subscribing. There you will find daily posts on the writing life and (almost) daily topics on various aspects of writing, publishing, cover design, marketing, licensing and so on. As always, it’s free.