Hey Folks,
I love this topic, and it’s timely because it’s what I’ve been practicing in my last few WsIP. (grin)
As I write this, I have a copyediting job that I put on the back burner because I was so close to finishing the novel. I’ll begin that copyedit today.
To see what I mean by “copyedit,” please visit http://harveystanbrough.com/copyediting/.
The writer also requested I check to see whether the scene and chapter breaks “make sense.” I’ll check, but I have no doubt they will. Then again, that led me to this topic for the day.
First, let me define “break” so we’re all on the same page.
In my books, chapter breaks consist either of white space followed by a new chapter head, or a series of five spaced asterisks (in anything I send to Smashwords) followed by white space.
As for scene breaks, in my books, those consist of a series of three spaced asterisks followed by white space. Just my way of doing it.
Some writers use only white space, and that’s fine. But all writers that I’ve encountered thus far use something to clearly mark breaks.
Because the writer asked, I’ll check to be sure those breaks make sense. But I’ll go a step further and check to see whether they hook together from scene to scene and chapter to chapter.
That’s actually a three-step process.
1. I’ll check to see whether there’s a tension-building cliffhanger (physical or emotional) in the few paragraphs before the break.
Yes? Check.
No? I’ll add a comment out to the side, with or without a specific recommendation.
2. I’ll check to see whether there’s a good hook immediately after the break. A good opening sentence or paragraph.
For examples of great opening hooks, see my free book (a $6 value) Writing Great Beginnings on the Free Stuff page of my website at http://harveystanbrough.com/downloads/.
3. As long as I’m looking for a hook, I’ll also check to see whether the writer grounds (or re-grounds) the reader in the opening of the new scene or chapter.
For that, I’ll check the first few paragraphs of the new scene or chapter. That’s where you ground the reader, even amidst ongoing action.
So grounding. Yes? Check.
No? Again, I’ll add a comment out to the side, with or without a specific recommendation.
Okay, so while I’m on the topic, how do you ground or re-ground the reader in a new scene or chapter?
The only way is to allow the reader to sense (see, hear, smell, taste, touch) the setting through the POV character’s senses.
And remember to include the character’s opinions of the setting when appropriate. (When the opinion matters to the scene or illustrates the character of the character.)
One good example that I often use is a room in which the aroma of pipe tobacco lingers. Pretty much any character will notice it (smell).
But for one character it’s an aroma, and for another it’s a stench. For another the air is stuffy. For another it’s wonderful.
For another (or any of the above) perhaps it invokes a memory of the character’s father’s study.
For another (or any of the above) maybe it invokes the taste of cinnamon on toast because the scent of pipe tobacco is tied to that flavor for the character.
You get the idea. A good rule of thumb is to write NOTHING that doesn’t come through the POV character’s senses and opinion. And yes, that will flavor the character’s dialogue as well.
Most importantly, it will pull the reader into the setting and into the POV character’s head.
‘Til next time, happy writing!
Hi Harvey,
Reading your posts never fails to make me feel as if I’ve done something incredibly positive, by simply doing so. Thanks for that, and Merry Christmas!
Thanks, Diedre, and Merry Christmas to you. And let’s all hope for a happy New Year. 🙂